The Implementation of the Republic of Indonesian Supreme Court Regulation Number 3 of 2022 Concerning Electronic Mediation in Court: A Case Study
Efficient Exploitation System in Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg) Clone PB 260 Plantation in Sumalungun Sumatera Utara Indonesia
Improvement of Soil Chemical Properties in Mature Oil Palm Plantations by Pruning and Immersing of Weeds as Cover Crops
Rejection of the Covid-19 Vaccination in Community Sidourip Village-Beringin District
Active Compounds of Red Ginger as Antioxidant Activity in the Supplementation and Treatment of Depression
Intensity of Instagram Related Fear of Missing Out in Medical Student Community
Kontak Penelitian :
Produksi Karet Dan Kondisi Fisiologi Lateks Klon GT 1 Pada Berbagai Umur Daun Dan Curah Hujan
Hubungan Sukrosa dengan Produksi Lateks Pada Tanaman Karet Klon PB 260 Umur Berbeda
Peningkatan Produktivitas Tanaman Karet Klon GT 1 Melalui Kombinasi Kosentrasi Stimulan Dan Waktu Penyadapan Di Kebun Karet Rakyat Deli Serdang
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